Monday, August 17, 2020



1)  5) Mouth odor- I spoke about looking good and smelling good. Some ladies are not conscious of their breath and this can be a turn off. Bad breath is not limited to just the odour that comes out of your mouth in this context. It also includes the type of things you say. The average man loves to be respected, if you treat a man with respect, he naturally becomes attracted to you. If a man feels like he is being disrespected the attraction is lost. This one is actually a very difficult one because we women are quick to snap sometimes, but to be attractive we have to master the act of being respectful. I struggled with this one also but eventually I learned that I do not have to feel like being respectful to give respect. I am in control of my feelings. I got so good at keeping quiet when I am upset that it became a problem. I am now learning how to communicate when I feel disrespected without losing my temper or being disrespectful in the process. My dear sisters no be small work oh but it is worth it.
6)     Have a life- I have noticed that men in our generation are attracted to women who are not too needy. When you are too clingy and overly needy a man would become weary of you. Do not pretend to be busy just because you want to get his attention that would not last. Do not dump and abandon your friends and your life just because you are in love. Have a full life, read books, watch movies, go out with your friends, do not be readily available. If the man realizes that the only thing you have going is him that can become a burden to him. Be loving and sweet  but have a life. I remember telling my husband before we got married, I can live without you oh, but I choose not to. I have never believed those people who profess love by saying I can’t live without you, that is a blatant lie if you ask me. I remember how fast my ex moved on after me, it made me realize that people can live without each other. Sometimes a relationship may not work out and if that was the only thing you had going on, it would be terrible. So while you work on attracting the right man, also keep working on developing yourself. An intelligent, hardworking and diligent woman is a very attractive woman. After a while, even men who want a woman who they can lord over start complaining about her being always home and readily available.
7)      Be confident- Confidence is such an attractive trait. Do not be arrogant or rude but just know that you are enough. Yes keep working on yourself and becoming the best version of you that you can be. But also do not be intimidated by others and what they have. The truth is in life we all have something unique to bring to the table. You may not have the best figure, but you may have the cutest face, or the best intellect, or the ability to manage situations well. Remember not to down play yourself. People will treat you the way you treat yourself. Be comfortable in your own skin. I have seen people compare their weaknesses to other peoples strengths. This is not good because you would end up feeling inadequate. I have friends who are extremely intelligent but are not good at maybe singing or dancing. When they see me dancing I expect them to clear the way and allow me show myself, and when I see them thriving in the academic field I should cheer them up. My late sister was super gifted in school and for a very long time I felt inadequate because people kept comparing me to her. It was not like I wasn’t smart, I just did not like school and I was always too restless to sit in one spot studying for hours. I preferred things like dancing, acting, speaking and the likes. When I realized that I needed better grades, I went to her for help and my grades improved seriously. I never really got the grades she got but I did better. And my confidence in my intellect improved. Do not look down on yourself, keep working on yourself and remember that there are certain talents and strengths that are exclusive to you.
8)    Always be ready- This is the last point. You never know who you will run into so always put your best foot forward. My single ladies, please capitalize on these tips. Do not forget that there is nothing wrong with approaching a guy and being friendly, just don’t be too obvious, let him pick up the signal. If you start becoming so close and he is not still saying anything, you can politely ask what he wants out of the friendship so you do not give yourself false hopes. With these tips, I believe you can pursue a man till he catches you *wink*. With these traits you would actually become very attractive and all sorts of guys may come your way, bring out your sieve and politely turn down those you cannot work with. Even as a married woman you have to remain pursuable to your husband. You do this by flexing your feminine muscle and then you set off the man’s mumu button and then you leave him to finish off the chase by catching you. He would end up feeling like he came after you but deep down, you know you gave him the green light.  This method that I am giving you is the one Ruth in the bible used to bag Boaz, it is also the same trick Esther used to get the king. The good news is that every woman has that feminine quality that is God given, she just needs to learn how to use it the right way.






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