CHRONICLES OF A NEWWIFE ...: CHRONICLES OF A NEW WIFE EPS 1 I remember studying really hard for the bar final exams. George (my husba...
My name is Prize Abimbola Onoja. I love God, family, music and just being happy. This blog is just an avenue to share some of my personal lessons and experiences and also encourage someone out there. I look forward to sharing some life changing words with you.
Thursday, May 24, 2018
I remember
studying really hard for the bar final exams. George (my husband) told me he
would want us to get married in December 2017 when I would have been done with law
school. He wanted me to finish school before we dive into our marital journey.
And I made up my mind that I was not going to fail any exam. I did not want the
stress of exams and marital responsibilities colliding. So my social life was
almost nonexistent, social media life was almost gone too, I only had time to
post during holidays or whenever I just needed a break from my books. I could
not stay on the phone for too long. I did all this because I told myself I
would not come back for any re-sit exams. I also needed time to pray, so I apologized
to people before time because I had a target and I was not going to allow
anything or anyone distract me.
I remember
praying so much and also studying so much. And one day I asked myself, if I
have to put in this much work to pass an exam, how much work would I need to
put in to prepare for this marriage? I had read many books, I became friends
with married women who have been in this marriage business for so long and I
began to ask them questions. So many people go into marriage without a strategy
to win, they do not see the need to prepare for marriage the way they prepare
for exams and other projects. They assume love is all they need. They believe
that since they are both Christians or of the same religious background
everything will work out. They forget that the Devils own strategy and sole
purpose in life is to kill, to steal and to destroy.
At the early
stages of my life, I used to get excited thinking about my wedding day and
marriage. But when I began to think deeply about how my life was about to
change, excitement turned into thoughts on how to make sure I succeed. I had a
plan in place to ensure I did not fail my academic exams, and I quickly
realized I also needed a plan to ensure that I do not fail at this institution
called marriage. I was waking up every night before my wedding to pray and my
mom and best friend joined me on most nights. I told God I did not want any
accident for those who would travel for the wedding, I told God I wanted his
power, his presence and his glory to be present on the wedding day, I prayed
even more for the marriage and asked for grace to be better than the woman in
proverbs 31, I asked for his beauty to surround me, I asked for wisdom to know
when to speak and when to be quiet, and many more things I prayed about.
The odds seemed
to even be against us because I am a Pentecostal pastor's daughter and my then fiancé
turned husband is a serious Catholic (more like serious Christian. I usually
forget he is Catholic till someone brings it up or we have to go to church). I
remember people asking me what I was thinking and at some point I asked myself
if I could handle this challenge. One pastor even gave us his unsolicited
opinion that we are making a mistake and we just laughed. Apparently, someone
he knew married from outside their denomination and the marriage was a disaster.
But I knew he was talking out of ignorance because marriages have different
challenges, and people from the same denomination end up divorced or with bad
marriages, so that is not the real problem. Your marriage is not guaranteed
success based on the fact that you both attend a Pentecostal church, or Catholic
Church. The success of a marriage is derived from submitting to Gods will,
putting in the work required, understanding what you are about to step into,
understanding what God expects of you as a wife, mother and helpmeet. Your husband also needs to understand what his
role is as a husband, father and the leader of the home. So coming from the
same church is not a yardstick for a wonderful marriage. But most of us are
comfortable with what we are used to which is fine. But I personally was not
going to throw away the best man I have met in my entire life and the one who
God tailor made for me, just because he attends a different church. I knew my
journey would be different but not unsuccessful! I chose to listen to those who
were counseling, encouraging, and teaching us how to win, rather than those telling us we would fail. I focused on the beauty of what God is going
to use us to do in the body of Christ showing people that you should marry a person
who loves God and not necessarily the church they attend. The church is not really the
building but the people. And true Christians bear similar fruit so you may have
someone in the same church as you bearing different fruits. I knew God had
given us a different assignment and I was not going to run away from it just
because it would be challenging or uncomfortable.
So I had to have
a talk with myself. What must I do to make sure I have a successful marriage? It
is wonderful to have all these degrees and excel at academic pursuits, but I
also know I do not want an average marriage, I want an excellent marriage. I do
not want a marriage where I have to just keep enduring, but a marriage that I
enjoy. This was one of my prayer points also, God bless me with a marriage I
enjoy not one I have to endure. So right after my bar final exams, I made a
decision to go on a 90 days fast and I told George about it and he decided to
join me, we ended up fasting for 2 months instead of 3 months but I was happy
with that. We took our marriage counseling classes seriously, and we had some
of the best pastors take us through the process.
We make sure we
communicate as we have always done, no keeping negative emotions in and acting
out at each other, and we make sure we remember our roles and do what we have to do to the
glory of God. So Just like I had a strategy to help me succeed at the Bar final
exams, I also told myself there is no room for failure in this marriage, so I
constantly look to the word of God, I pray over my home, I cook, I clean, I go
to work, I encourage my man, I try not to stay upset for too long, I believe
people who stay upset for too long are like those people who leave their garbage
indoors for so long and the whole place starts to stink, so forgiveness to me
is like taking out the garbage and breathing in fresh air. I do whatever I have
to do to make sure I win at this because God is counting on me, counting on us
to make him proud and show others the way.
So far so good,
I am grateful for the man God has blessed me with, and I am looking forward to
making God proud and showing others that you can succeed at this whole marriage
thing if you make up your mind about it and enlist God for his help and grace. What
is your strategy to help you win in life? What strategy do you have in place to
help you have a heaven on earth marriage? Are you willing to put in the work?
Or are you just hoping things would be fine without putting in the work and
sacrifice needed?
Please look
forward to more write-ups from this new bee wife. Have an awesome day peeps. Loads
of love from MRS OJ.
Tuesday, March 6, 2018
HEART BREAKS NOT THE WORSE THING ...: HEART BREAKS NOT THE WORSE THING IN THE WORLD I know you are wondering what I am thinking saying heart breaks are...
HEART BREAKS NOT THE WORSE THING ...: HEART BREAKS NOT THE WORSE THING IN THE WORLD I know you are wondering what I am thinking saying heart breaks are...

I remember my
first heart break and how terrible I felt, but the truth is if you deal with
the pain properly, you will grow past it. You must realize that if you do not
deal with the pain, you are likely to end up hurting someone else. Relationships
end for different reasons some of which include: cheating, lying, not knowing
why you are getting into the relationship or what you want out of it, realizing
you want something different or realizing your purpose for your lives do not
align. There
are so many reasons why people break up.
But like I said
breaking off a relationship is not the end of the word. It is much better to
have a broken relationship or engagement than a broken marriage. So many people
stay in bad and toxic relationships hoping the person would change or improve
but my advice would be leave! You really do not want to gamble when it comes to
who to settle down with.
I went through a
terrible breakup some years back and till tomorrow I will forever be grateful
to God for that failed relationship because it led me to where I needed to be. I
am one who celebrates heart breaks not because I love to see people sad, but
because I know if you handle it properly, you will be on your way to finding
someone much better especially if you follow Gods principles. The truth is some people are not fortunate
enough to suffer the heart break while they are still dating, they get into
marriage and are stuck in a bad marriage they would have avoided if maybe they
had experienced a heart break. Am I saying you need to go through a heart break
to have a great marriage? The answer is NO! But I am saying you appreciate a
wonderful relationship more when you have been in a bad one.
deep down inside you do not have peace of mind. This may be an indication that
this relationship is not for you.
you have to keep wondering if the person loves you I believe you do not have a
great relationship. Love is backed up by actions, so if someone says they love
you but their actions say otherwise, please stop making excuses for them. If you
go ahead, you may have to manage for the rest of your life.
there is no trust you are in trouble. If you do not trust this person, there is
no point proceeding with the relationship. A good relationship
needs trust.
you are always moving from one quarrel to another and there is hardly peace,
you are most likely in a toxic relationship.
you are with someone who is constantly telling lies, making excuses and does
not keep their word this may also be an indication that your relationship is
not that great. You cannot trust a liar, you cannot build with someone who is
always making excuses and someone who does not respect their own word is not
you are in a relationship where you are constantly being cheated on, lied to
and the culprit always promises to change but never does, you are in a bad
you are being mentally and physically attacked you are in a bad relationship.
the relationship is not bringing out the best in you and challenging you to
grow, you are not in a good relationship.
the relationship separates you from your family, friends and loved ones who
have invested in you, you are most likely in a bad relationship.
10) And the last but most powerful point I would like to
add is if this so called relationship creates a partition between you and God
and constantly puts you in a position where you compromise and displease God you
are in a very bad relationship!
I believe that
at one point or the other you have been on the receiving end or even the giving
end of a bad relationship. Below are
some tips on how to get through a bad relationship and how to improve on one's self
after a bad relationship. Everyone has
something to learn from a bad relationship if they take some time off to
evaluate things critically and stop blaming the other person for everything
that went wrong.
1) You must remind yourself that rushing into another
relationship is pointless. Most times people do this just to show their ex's
that they are really hot and on high demand. But the honest truth is that if
you rush into a relationship without properly evaluating why the last one ended
and areas of your own character you need to work on, you are most likely going
to repeat your mistakes and you would be deprived of the wisdom you should get
from self-reflection. You really do not have to prove anything to your ex or to
the world. Take some time to heal, reflect and grow.
2) Learn to enjoy being single again. Singleness is not a
crime. Use this time to rediscover yourself and do the things you love.
3) Do not dwell on the hurt, do not play sad music, do
not go online to read sad articles, fight to temptation to vent on social
media, do not stalk your ex's page, refuse to listen to those informants who
take it upon themselves to remind you that your ex now has a new partner, and
do not pretend not to be hurt. Denial can become fatal.
4) Spend time with the word of God, spend time with good
and supportive friends, feel the vacuum created with good and healthy habits,
and do not run to someone else for comfort, it may lead to a relationship which
is not a good idea because you are still not really over your last
5) Evaluate your failed relationship; think critically on
the things you could not stand from that relationship. An example is my failed
engagement helped me realize I would not put up with a man who does not keep
his word or tells lies, I would not put up with someone who is financially
reckless, I would investigate properly by asking questions and observing
closely before giving my heart etc. A lot of people think they know what they
want but the truth is you never really know what you want till you know what
you absolutely do not want in a relationship. So if you take out time to ponder
on the things you could not stand that made you so angry in that bad
relationship, it would help you look out for those red lights in a potential
relationship. At this point you know the areas you cannot and would not compromise.
6) You cannot get over an ex if you keep going back to
them. Shut the door and move forward, you cannot move forward if you keep
looking back to see what could have, should have or may be. Fight that voice in
your head that keeps saying you should go back and just manage because good
guys or girls are extinct, counter that voice by saying what if you go back and
miss out on the best person God has for you? Good men and women exist and God
is still in the business of show casing his own just like he did Eve. Trust me
I know that good and godly men exist because I asked God for the best and he
hooked me up.
7) Do not go looking for the one. Everyone may start
looking like it. So just go to God directly and follow his lead, do not make a
decision by yourself and then drag God into it, follow his lead instead.
8) Do not hang around people who will keep telling you
negative stories. Contrary to popular belief, excellent relationships exist,
faithful men exist, men who honor God exist and the female versions also exist.
9) Break every negative soul tie prayerfully especially
if you were sexually involved with your ex. Repent and do not go
back to your sin.
10) See yourself the way God sees you. Remind yourself
that you are special and that you are fearfully and wonderfully made. Fight
those negative thoughts and meditate on Phillipians 4:8.
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